My Creepiosity
- Animals that stare at you without blinking for a little too long
- Dogs dressed and posed as humans
- Towns and times when there is no one else around and no movement and you feel like maybe you missed the rapture
- Madonna's arms
- SJP's hands
- Kyra Sedgwick's neck
- The creepy check out guy at Wal-Mart
- The hairy old guy at the Chinese restaurant in Bloomington who wraps up the egg rolls with no gloves on or anything to keep his abnormally plentiful hair out of said eggrolls.
- When the GPS leads you behind a warehouse
- When someone isn't touching you but is so close that you can feel his/her nearness
- Spiders
- Joan Rivers
- Middle aged people obsessed with teen trends like the 40 year old lady who is Team Jacob and yelled out during Eclipse, "He's legal now!"
- That guy... you know who you are
- When the wind just suddenly stops
- When your cat is looking at one fixed spot with an alert and about-to-run-away face
- That woman's voice from Poltergeist
- Random spiderwebs in your car so that you know he's there but you can't be sure where
- Swings blowing in the wind at night in an abandoned playground
- When there's a loose hair touching you and you can't see it or get it off
- When a guy you barely know comes up and puts his hand on your shoulder, arm, or small of the back
- When you're home alone and the dog starts barking ferociously
- When something turns on without anyone being around it
- When no one else is around and you swear you just heard whispers
- When a group of deer are hanging out in the field/pasture and just stare at you when you come upon them instead of running away
- When you put dolls in the washing machine and they are just staring out at you as you close the lid and, after you start it, you can hear their heads banging around