It started off with not having to work on Saturday (!!!). I mean, how often do I get to do nothing all morning on a Saturday? I slept until noon then got up to take a bath and shower and read. From there, I just relaxed until 4:00 when I went to a surprise 50th birthday party for Eric Lowery.
Eric is a friend from when I went to the Methodist Church. He was always one of the leaders and a big goofball who acted like one of the kids so we all liked him. It was great to get to go to the party for him and see some of the people I don't really get to see anymore.

After Eric's party, Beth, Laura, and I headed to Bloomington to celebrate Beth's 27th Birthday. We ate dinner at Friday's and went shopping and finished the night off with Coldstone. Everything was delicious, the company was good, and we had a great night.
Sunday, after church, we headed home to prepare some food and go to a cookout at Uncle Dan and Aunt Lynn's. The whole family was getting together since my Aunt Jayne and cousins Beth/Liz and Matt were visiting from Texas. I haven't seen them in a while and we all had a great time playing bags, bocce ball, eating, drinking, playing with the little kids (Kaden and my cousin Jocelyn's son, Connor), and just hanging out and chatting. We also all, in Steffen gathering tradition, ganged up on teasing and beating up on my cousin Matt (he's 18 now but he's still the youngest of our generation - not counting Katie who is like 7 and live in Texas so we never see).
Cousins Kaden and Connor play in the pool

Beth, Aunt Jayne, and Grandma with a bocce ball group in the background.
Matt, Beth, Sarah and Connor. Matt is sporting his girl pants and a cupcake belt while drinking his fruity girly drink. Don't worry. He was teased mercilessly.
And of course, Josh beating up on Matt. Beth got in on the action too this time while Sarah, Aunt Connie, and Nate watch.

It was quite the party. We even had someone pee in the yard. And ok, he was only 1 1/2 but still. That's something. It's not every party that someone urinated in the yard.
And then, to top it all off, Sunday, the 11th was Zoe's 10th Birthday! I can't believe she's that old! It's not possible! It seems more like she's 6 or 7 at the most! But we celebrated my girl with gifts of treats, a fancy feast appetizer snack, puff balls (her fav toy), and a catnip scratcher. She loved them all. Here's a photo of us taken on her 10th birthday. She looks quite happy.

As if the events of the weekend were not enough to make it fantastic, thanks to Nathan Fillion, via his twitter, I was shown the hilarity of the Double Rainbow video. "Full on double rainbow all the way!" "What does it mean?!?!" Enjoy.
It was his goal to get everyone using the phrase "Double Rainbow". As in, "This weekend was so double rainbow", "It was a such a double rainbow movie that it was almost a triple rainbow", and "Nathan Fillion is so double rainbow for bringing this into my life." So, go forth and double rainbow. It is your new mission in life.
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