Monday, November 1, 2010

The Triple Monday

Today has been long and tiring. And it's not even over yet!

Maybe the reason is because this is actually the third Monday of the week for me.

Last night I had two separate dreams that involved my going about my daily Monday tasks.

Dream #1: Wake up, go to work for 8 hours, come home. Nothing special happened but I totally went through the entire day!

Dream #2: Wake up, get ready to go to work only to find my tire is dead, slashed or just punctured. Either way, I apparently didn't have a spare and my dad had to go to Blo-No and get a new tire. I made it to work around noon, finished up the day, and came home.

Dream#3/Reality: Wake up really confused thinking it at least has to be Tuesday, right? Get ready, go to work, remember and go to CIRCL (Central Illinois Regional Childrens' Librarians) meeting where a lady is wearing too much perfume, get headache, head back to library and work 3 hours on the ref desk, post this blog....

Needless to say, I'm ready to go home. The thing that's keeping me slightly cheery today? The knowledge that tonight I get to watch the 200th episode of Dancing With The Stars and a new, and hopefully swoon-worthy episode of Castle.

Sad, but true.

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