I like working at the reference desk. It's peaceful, unless school is out or we are busy, and the questions are generally easy. And while you have to answer the phone every time, it is usually something easy like, "What time do you close?", "Can you renew my books?", "Do you have such and such movie/book on the shelf?". So, you can usually get a lot of other work done while working the desk.
However, when a patron does come in, you can usually tell which ones to dread. It's that person who is not walking directly to the desk but meandering and taking their sweet time getting to where their going. Sometimes they make eye contact but more often then not they just slowly trudge along observing everything going on around them. The quick, eye contact people generally know what they want and the question can usually be met with a quick answer. But those meanderers.... they have the questions you despise. The ones you try to avoid like, "Can you help me with my resume?", "I need books on an obscure topic, can you help me?", or "What is the value of this stamp?" More often then not the question really means, "I have this project to work on but don't want to put forth any effort. Can you do it for me?"
Ugh... meanderers.
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