Friday, January 7, 2011

The Mystery of the Time Lapse

A weird thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I have no explanation for it. I'm going to tell you the whole story and let you decide because I really have no clue and am slightly disturbed by the whole situation. Obviously, if it's still on my mind a couple weeks later.

On Wednesdays I work at the church office in the morning and at the El Paso Library at 3:00 pm. Usually I work, get lunch, maybe run a few errands, head home for a bit, then go to work in El Paso. The drive between Bloomington and home is 20-25 minutes and the drive from home to El Paso is only about 7 minutes. Easy peasy. No problem.

A couple week ago, I left Bloomington at about 2:15. I took the county roads which still had a bit of slush on them so I had to go a tad slower. The trip home should have taken 30 minutes at the most and I would have been able to go inside, pick up a couple things, and sit for a few minutes before heading into work.

However, when I got home and walked in the door my mom looked up and asked, "Shouldn't you be at work?" I replied, "In a little bit." To which she said, "It's 3:15."

I was a little shocked at this news and obviously rather confused because there is no way that drive should have taken me an hour! NO way! I didn't run into any obstacles other than a bit of slush for a couple of miles and I didn't stop anywhere once I was on my way. I was going the speed limit (or slightly under on the slushy parts) the entire way. So what happened? I lost a half an hour of my life with no explanation of what happened.

And before you say, maybe you looked at the time wrong when you left, I also called the pastor and asked him what time I left and he told me about 1:15 or 1:20 as well.

The situation is really confusing me. Did I get abducted by aliens? Did I hit some kind of time portal? WHAT HAPPENED? Thoughts? Hypotheses?

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